To my Valentine,


Remember our first date? I remember seeing you walk to the car, and thinking to myself "damn, she's so cute". A long and nervous drive later we sitting accross from each other. The soup was way too salty. Sorry about not admitting it at first hehe. Regardless, I'm happy we made it to Round1 (I almost DDH'd us out of it). When we played DDR together, I was surprised at how good you were. It felt like we were made for each other from the very start, and it still does now. I guess the ABBEY was a nice bonus, I'm happy we went. I remember making you laugh and how romantic it was walking around in the rain, and finally being able to kiss you for the first time.


Vegas, Palm Springs, Tokyo, New York .. we've been so many places together already. It feels so nice to experience and see new things by your side. Im grateful for everything you've shown me and everything we've done together. I think I fell in love with you sometime between Vancouver (Halloween) and seeing Turning Red together. But since then, it's always been how I felt. That I love you, unbelievably. I can't wait to do and see more things together, side by side.


It feels so natural to be with you. Even when we're doing nothing, knowing you're close to me fills me with a joy. For every big experience is days of the mundane, but nothing is truly mundane with you. Even just laying on the couch together feels so nice. Waking up and trading cuddles. It's hard not to be excited for our future together, when even the ordinary feels like this. You feel like home to me, and I hope I feel the same to you. It's crazy we found each other, but for some reason it makes perfect sense we did.